Protagonist - Deathwish Inc

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Spiritkiller "Self Titled" Protagonist $24.99

Gemm "Stars" Tote Protagonist $14.99
Gemm "Spun Out" Protagonist $19.99
Leaving "Liminal" Protagonist $20.99
Greed Worm β€œRitual Onslaught” Protagonist $10.00 $18.99

Graduation Speech "Arcane Feelings" Protagonist $10.00 $18.99
Bosses "Jokes" Protagonist $7.99

Wet The Rope / Icepield "Split" Protagonist $10.00 $19.99
THIEV "Break/Fade" Protagonist $10.00 $18.99

Omen Astra "The End of Everything" Protagonist $10.00 $19.99

EDICT "EDICT" Protagonist from $6.99

Funeral Pile β€œEvoked In Flames” Protagonist from $9.99 $16.99

Bloodquest "Bloodquest" Protagonist $10.00 $12.99
Academy Order "To Wilt Without Shame" Protagonist $3.00 $7.99

Latest God "Latest God" Protagonist $3.00 $7.99
Hearts Apart "Number One To No One" Protagonist $3.00 $7.99
Drill Sergeant "Vile Ebb" Protagonist $3.00 $7.99