Pink Razors "Waiting To Wash Up" - Deathwish Inc

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Pink Razors "Waiting To Wash Up"


Rebuilding pop-punk from the ground up is by no means an easy task, but Richmond, VA's PINK RAZORS have boiled down the genre into its purest elements and improved upon it leaps and bounds. With no song crossing the two-minute mark, each track is packed with memorable melodies over fast, powerhouse rhythms. This all happens so fast you barely know what hit you, but still manage to get the songs firmly stuck inside your head. Sometimes snotty, sometimes dark, yet always up-tempo and immensely catchy, "Waiting to Wash Up" will have you singing along to desperate, cynical, and hopeful songs alike. Fans of the former East Bay and Chicago heyday are likely to rank this up there with current favorites (ala Dillinger Four and Toys That Kill), and appreciate this long overdue, fresh approach to power-chord punk rock.

Track Listing:
01. Disapproved Rating
02. Bigger Boat
03. The New Justin (I Wanna Be)
04. Sew It Seams
05. Comfortably Numb
06. Sincerity Is So Pretentious
07. Get Out Of The Shower (You're Already Washed Up)
08. Up A Lazy River
09. Spring Fevers
10. Summer Colds
11. Dischord, Datchord
12. Prince Of The Land Of Stench
13. If We Can't Sit At A Table (Then Let's Knock The Fucking Legs Off)
14. Punch A Penny, Grab A Dollar
15. Self-Pity Begot Self-Importance