The Supervoid Choral Ensemble "Live From the Downwhen Terminus" - Deathwish Inc

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The Supervoid Choral Ensemble "Live From the Downwhen Terminus"

  • A new full length from these two musically disparate and thoroughly productive psychos who know no limitation to genre or style. Made up of Ben Sharp (Cloudkicker, Graf Orlock) and Vinny Roseboom (Gospel, Medicinal, Helen of Troy, etc), you get a band that is functioning on all cylinders, all the time. From the realm of experimental instrumentalism comes a creative, weird and altogether different sounding band than others currently in existence. This full-length represents a new side of SCE from its self-titled 7" and runs the gamut of metal, indie rock and ambient instrumentation in a matured and fleshed out form.


    01. Track 7
    02. Smarge
    03. Truth-Telling Contest
    04. I Am the Rabbit
    05. Bootgrinding
    06. Theoretical Cheese
    07. Honkmaxxing (Pope's Funeral)
    08. Delusional Misidentification