Into It. Over It. / Koji "Split" - Deathwish Inc

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Into It. Over It. / Koji "Split"


Evan Thomas Weiss (Into It. Over It.) and Andrew Koji Shiraki (Koji) have made something "Ten years overdue". The two prolific singer songwriters, who have been longtime friends for years, entered Drasik Studios in Chicago, IL for seven days this summer and collaborated to record ten new songs (five songs each) with the help of engineer Mark Michalik (The Swellers, Fireworks, Stay Ahead Of The Weather). This split vinyl LP release, featuring a tirade of guest musicians from bands such as La Dispute, Castevet, Cloudmouth and more, will see the light of day on November 23rd and be accompanied by three documentary in-studio film segments shot by The Work (, as well as new photos and other multimedia content. These songs were an effort to bring to the public a friendship that has transcended time, distance, creativity and background. These are two best friends. This is what they made together.