Damage "Final" - Deathwish Inc

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Damage "Final"

"Final" was the final recording from Philly's Damage. Featuring artwork from  Linas Garsys (AFI, American Nightmare). The 7"EP features slightly different artwork than the CD version.

Test Press:
28 - Large hole

First Press:
300 - Marble Pink
600 - Clear Red

Limited Press:
2 - White / Clear mix vinyl (99% White)
10 - White / Clear split vinyl (95% White)
88 - White / Clear split vinyl (50% White)
2 - Grey / Red mix w/o labels, Solid Grey on one side
5 - Grey / Red mix w/ White streaks
5 - Grey / Red mix w/o labels, white streaks
60 - Grey / Red mix w/o labels, signed by Linas Garsys
83 - Grey & Red mix w/o labels
345 - Grey & Red mix
500 - Black vinyl

Halloween Press:
13 - Glow In The Dark (w/ numbered "138" alternate covers)
137 - Glow In The Dark (w/ record release covers)