Still "Doomed" - Deathwish Inc

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Still "Doomed"


  • While still retaining the heaviness and waves of noise heard on their debut, “Faint”, the St. Louis shoegaze band, Still returns on “Doomed” with a focus on melody—constantly drifting through the guitars and vocals. Reunited with longtime producer, Gabe Usery and mastered again with Zac Montez, they have clearly all approached “Doomed” a little differently. Vocals are more upfront, paired with the leading guitars and a background of fuzzy bass and crashing drums. Still seemed to have fully realized in these songs—dealing with dullness and yearning, yet delivered with abrasiveness and whispering vocals.

    Track Listing:
    01. Crushed
    02. Drift
    03. Phases
    04. Doomed
    05. Movements