Nathan Gray "Live In Wiesbaden / Live In Iserlohn" - Deathwish Inc

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Nathan Gray "Live In Wiesbaden / Live In Iserlohn"


Track Listing: 
Live In Wiesbaden CD:
01. As the waves crash down
02. Lullaby
03. Walk
04. Invocation 01
05. Burn away
06. Light & Love
07. Fall from Grace
08. Invocation 02
09. Echoes
10. Ebbing of the tide
11. Invocation 03
12. Leap year of faith
13. Invocation 04
14. Damascus
15. Invocation 05
16. Walk astray
17. Wayward ghosts
18. Dark fire
19. Quixote's last ride
20. Across five years
21. Blue Hearts & Shades of grey
22. Phone call (4am)
23. My life in the knife trade
24. Alone

Live In Iserlohn CD:
01. As the waves crash down
02. Lullaby
03. Walk
04. Burn away
05. Light & Love
06. Invocation 01
07. Fall from Grace
08. Invocation 02
09. Echoes
10. Invocation 03
11. Ebbing of the tide
12. Invocation 04
13. Leap year of faith
14. Damascus
15. Invocation 05
16. Quixote's last ride
17. Invocation 06
18. Across five years
19. Blue Hearts & Shades of grey
20. My life in the knife trade
21. Alone
22. Invocation 07
23. Phone call (4am)

Live in Wiesbaden DVD:
01. As the waves crash down
02. Lullaby
03. Walk
05. Burn away
06. Light & Love
07. Fall from Grace
09. Echoes
10. Ebbing of the tide
12. Leap year of faith
13. Damascus
14. Walk astray
15. Wayward ghosts
16. Dark fire
17. Quixote's last ride
18. Across five years
19. Blue Hearts & Shades of grey
20. Phone call (4am)
21. My life in the knife trade
22. Alone

Live in Iserlohn DVD:
01. As the waves crash down
02. Lullaby
03. Walk
04. Burn away
05. Light & Love
06. Fall from Grace
07. Echoes
08. Ebbing of the tide
09. Leap year of faith
10. Damascus
11. Quixote's last ride
12. Across five years
13. Blue Hearts & Shades of grey
14. My life in the knife trade
15. Alone