Viva Belgrado "Flores, Carne" - Deathwish Inc

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Viva Belgrado "Flores, Carne"


Recorded by Santi García @Ultramarinos on 2014, Flores, carne was the first full-length from the band, which strenghtened their sound and consolidated them as a current referent among the Screamo / Post-Hardcore scene.

11 songs which comprise a clear evolution from the first two demos, embracing and defining the sound of the band which get influenced by bands like Daitro, Raein or La Dispute accompanied by Post-Rock atmospheric melodies.

This record has been co-release by several labels from the international D.I.Y. community.

Track Listing:
01. Bàltica
02. De Carne y Flor
03. Madreselva
04. H_stsonaten
05. Los Olivos
06. Càncer, Capricornio
07. ~
08. La Reina Pàlida
09. Archipi_lagos
10. Osario
11. CÑrdoba, 2014