Weak Teeth "So You've Ruined Your Life" - Deathwish Inc

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Weak Teeth "So You've Ruined Your Life"


After a few years out of the public eye, weak teeth returns with a brand new 13 track full-length album "So You've Ruined Your Life." Sticking to their guns, the Providence, RI based quartet continues to create their own brand of angular "emo-damaged" hardcore punk while taking some more creative risks, briefly departing from the "short, hard, fast" standby. With a much more cohesive and concrete theme, the music and lyrics ebb and flow organically to create a well-rounded yet always aggressive crossbreed.

Introspective, self-aware, and fed up, "So You've Ruined Your Life" fully reflects the dread and abandon of our American century in 30 minutes of forceful, inspired chaos.

Track Listing:
01. If You Can't Beat 'Em, Kill Yourself
02. Life Is Bullshit, Miroki
03. Facebath III: Cube Zero
04. I Do Believe We're Naked' By Funky-See Funky-Do
05. Anything Helps, God Bless
06. Dumb Fuckin' White Man
07. Back Home, Years Ago
08. Suckfest Convention
09. I fly. I'm Pilot.
10. I'm Better Than Okay
11. Providence Music Scene Soccer Camp Trophy
12. Everything Is Terrible
13. Nothing Is Cool