Lewd Acts' brand of raw noise reeks of soul and stunning originality. Opting to embrace their pre-1988 punk and hardcore influences, they shun metal tendencies of today's hardcore scene. Vocally crooning and winding their way through each song in ways that are continuously exciting.
"Black Eye Blues" was engineered by Kurt Ballou (Converge) at God City Studios. The albumΒ shows Lewd Acts growing right before our eyes, splitting shoes as they evolve at a monstrous rate. Their razor sharp precision and dynamic instrumentation reaches passed the limitations of punk, while embracing itsΒ spirit. All of this a vivid backdrop for vocalist Tyler Densley's poetically bruising storytelling. His gruff candor is unforgettable; sad, tragic, and true to life. Songs like the thematic pairing "You Don't Need Me" and "I Don't Need You" are a true example of this. While the closer "Nowhere To Go" proves that Lewd Acts are comfortable coloring outside the lines. Habitually defying the rules as they artistically redefine what is real rebellion in song.
Track Listing: 01. Know Where To Go 02. Wide Black Eyes 03. Nightcrawlers 04. You Don't Need Me 05. I Don't Need You 06. Who Knew the West Coast Could Be So Cold 07. Penmanship Sailed 08. Young Lovers, Old Livers 09. Rot Gut Charlie 10. My Father Was a Locomotive 11. Nowhere To Go
First Press: 100 - Tri-color (Orange, Purple, Blue) w/ Sound And Fury covers 100 - Tri-color (Orange, Purple, Blue) w/ regular covers 200 - Black 300 - Coke Bottle Blue and Bronze split 500 - Bronze