Sullest "Sullest" - Deathwish Inc

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Sullest "Sullest"


  • Sullest is a four-piece stoner punk band from Providence, RI. Equal parts 90’s-alternative worship, stoner metal riffs, and unflinching punk rock. Featuring members of bands Weak Teeth, Math the Band, and Good Lord, Sullest blends together familiar sounds but never settles for the formulaic. They employ thick, glorious waves of riffs that ripple across a thunderous rhythm section, to come crashing down over roaring three-part harmonies.

    Members Mike and Ashley, both historically bassists, started Sullest to play the guitar. Soon after, they enlisted Mike’s lifelong musical collaborators, Neil and Jon, as the rhythm section, completing their line up. Stepping out of their hardcore punk comfort zone, Sullest focuses more on introspection and shared nostalgia, but never sacrificing speed or precision. All while bringing to the table righteous jams, weird time signatures, and a hint of cautious optimism.

    Fuzzy and filled-out, angular, earnest, and engaging, Sullest set out to strike a healthy balance between honoring the nostalgia of the past while being present for our journey to the future.

    01. Compline: Night Duty
    02. Party On, Contest Winners
    03. Darren Fairenoughsky
    04. Windows 9595
    05. Susquehanna
    06. Counterspell
    07. Dirt Mall
    08. Contact High
    09. Mark Decesare’s House Party
    10. Oh No, My Smoking Hand
    11. Compline: Morning Bell