Dangers "Messy, Isn't It?" - Deathwish Inc

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Dangers "Messy, Isn't It?"

All of your worst nightmares about what music could be, rolled into the sarcastic and menially insightful form of 18 songs.

Track Listing: 
01. Stay-At-Home Mom 
02. I'll Clap When I'm Impressed 
03. Pyramid Of Empties 
04. Saved By The Buoyancy Of Citrus 
05. Check, Please 
06. Opposable 
07. Cure For Cancer 
08. Cure For AIDS 
09. Straight As She Wants To Be 
10. Under The Affluence 
11. Teenage Porno Hunter 
12. Goliath 
13. (Messy, Isn't It?) 
14. Bottom Of The 9th Ward 
15. Tarantula Type 
16. What Goes Up 
17. No Vonneguts, No Glory 
18. (Love Poem) 
19. The El Segundo Blue Butterfly Habitat Preserve