Razorblades & Aspirin #10 - Deathwish Inc

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Razorblades & Aspirin #10


  • 8.5" x 11"
  • Full Color
  • 72 Pages

Interviews with Richmond's STRIKE ANYWHERE plus Texas punk photographer Pat Blashill about his new book Texas is the Reason as well as a photo essay of the recent protests in Richmond by Nick Hancock and a reprint of the great Black Dots: An Afropunk Primer by Chris Murdoch.

Additionally, this issue will feature interviews with photographers Alison Braun (In The Pit), Chris Boarts Larson (Slug & Lettuce), and Matthew Kadi. Plus lengthy discussions with some of my favorite bands going right now: HARAM (New York City), ENZYME (Australia), INITIATE (Los Angeles) and ANTIMOB (Greece) as well as a chat with Punks Around zinester, Alexander Herbert, about his recently published book What about Tomorrow?: An Oral History of Russian Punk from the Soviet Era to Pussy Riot and of course, the issue will be rounded out with my own images plus reviews of records, books & zines from around the globe.