Razorblades & Aspirin #14 - Deathwish Inc

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Razorblades & Aspirin #14


  • 8.5" x 11"
  • Full Color
  • 80 Pages

Let's start out with an interview with Agnostic Front's Roger Miret - am super excited about this one. We'll be chatting about his insane record collection, mid-century furniture & of course NYHC from his perspective. But as usual, nostalgia ain't my thing so I'll be focusing on a slew of new & current ragers like Bootlicker, Scowl, Jade Dust, Public Acid, The Chisel, & Haemers.. That's not all, of course - I can't forget photographers Jim Saah, Chrisy Salinas, Mat Vexzine, & Zack Rogers.