Apenest Volume 2 - Deathwish Inc

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Apenest Volume 2


Full Color, 208 pages, Perfect-bound, Hand numbered edition of 1000

This amazing book comes in a slipcase with offset prints by Alex Lukas, Patrick Casey, James Quigley, Steak Mountain, and Kevin Cyr.

Artists and Contributors: John Copeland, Denise Kupferschmidt, Justin B Williams, Sophia Dixon, Bill Dunlap, Corey Arnold, Andrew Schoultz, Joseph Hart, Cody Hoyt, Paul Wackers, Grimaldi Baez, Brian Willmont, Corey Corcoran, Fighting, Mark Chariker, Eddie Martinez, Jeremy + Claire Weiss, Anthony Sobiech, Elton Lovelace, Zac Scheinbaum, Deep Slumber Lake, Whitney Claflin, Eric Saline, Meghan Tomeo, Chris Wawrinofsky, Travis Neel, Rebecca Gordon, Suzy Coady, and Alex Lukas.