Razorblades & Aspirin #15 - Deathwish Inc

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Razorblades & Aspirin #15


  • 8.5" x 11"
  • Full Color
  • 80 Pages

interviews with Spiritual Cramp, Gel, Vidro, Gag, Destruct, Cancer Christ, Tozcos, Yambag, Keith Marlowe, Linda Aronow, and Piotr Królikiewicz are all in this issue. Also! I recently got in touch with Brooke Smith, whom you might recall from movies like Silence of the Lambs or TV shows like Grey's Anatomy - tuns out she was one of the Warzone Women and is publishing a new book of her photography from her days roaming the Lower East Side and hanging out with Cro-Mags, Nausea and more.