Integrity "The Blackest Curse" - Deathwish Inc

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Integrity "The Blackest Curse"


Integrity have been surrounded by myth, controversy, and legend for much of their almost 20 year existence. Along with fellow Cleveland monsters Ringworm, they are responsible for laying the foundation for metallic hardcore as we know it. Not only dictating, but literally defining the wave of musical darkness that continuously influences those at the forefront of the aggressive music scene. You can hear their direct influence in bands like Rot In Hell, Rise And Fall, Converge, Hatebreed, and more.

After releasing classic albums on other labels, Integrity triumphantly returned to the spotlight in 2003 with their "To Die For" CD on Deathwish. "To Die For" recording was a true reclamation of the throne for the band. Produced and engineered by Ben Schigel (Ringworm, Mushroomhead), the collection of eight blood boiling songs served as a musical progression, all the while embracing the approach of their influential past.

After the release of "To Die For", Integrity toured Europe and the United States, eventually falling into a sort of restless hibernation. From that point on they only surfaced for the occasional festival or one-off show appearance. All of that changed two years later when Dwid Hellion assembled his new incarnation of the band featuring both Jochum brothers (Mike now being joined by Nate on drums), as well as "To Die For" era bassist Steve Rochourst (Ringworm). Soon Integrity began crafting ideas for what was to become "The Blackest Curse". The process was slow going, with members being divided between two continents. However after years on end of refining the material, the fiends convened in Belgium to lay downΒ tracks for the album. Though these initial sessions were a creative success for Integrity, due to time limitations they were left incomplete, forcing the material to lay dormant.Β  Fast forward to 2008; Integrity again woke from their slumber, this time to tour Europe alongside longtime friends Converge, and Coliseum. This tour introduced the band to a whole new generation of aggressive music listeners. Following this momentum, the band then released their "Walpurgisnacht" 7"EP on A389/Magic Bullet Records. As importantly, this stirring also rekindled the fire under "The Blackest Curse" project, with vocalist Dwid Hellion recording the final vocals for the album in his home studio.

A ten headed beast of an album, "The Blackest Curse" is arguably the most cohesive Integrity release of their career. With the first crushing chords of "Process of Illumination" it's apparent that Integrity are back in true form, following the metal/hardcore hybrid blueprint they forged themselves over two decades ago. The blitzkrieg bombardment of songs like "Learn To Love The Lie" and "Through The Shadows of Forever" is unrelenting, while speed demons like "Simulacra" and "Spiderwoven" are as frenzied metallic hardcore can get. It's not all aural brutality though, as "The Blackest Curse" proves that the root of their evil can morph into all shapes and sizes. Songs like "Before The World Was Young" and "Take Hold of Forever" showcase Integrity's trademark melodious moments as well as their dark experimental tendencies. With "The Blackest Curse" Integrity never stray from their path. And like the few other legacy bands in existence (Motorhead), they prove they don't need to. Their formulaic cohesive vision is why "The Blackest Curse" is another brilliant album, adding to their intriguing legacy. A reign that still, after over two decades, continues to demand a cult like devotion that is "Holy Terror" to the very core.

Track Listing:
01. Process Of Illumination
02. Shadows Of Forever
03. Simulacra
04. Learn To Love The Lie
05. Secret Schadenfreude
06. Before The World Was Young
07. The Last Great Seance
08. Spiderwoman
09. Invocation Of The Eternally Coiling Serpent
10. Take Hold Of Forever

First Press:
300 - Transparent Red
700 - White
1000 - Clear

Second Press:
1100 - Grey Marble

Third PRess:

1076 - Clear w/ Black Smoke