Where My Bones Rest Easy "Forget Me, Love b/w Harmonix" - Deathwish Inc

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Where My Bones Rest Easy "Forget Me, Love b/w Harmonix"


The four members of Seattle's Where My Bones Rest Easy have certainly cut their teeth in the punk scenes of the West Coast for the last 10 years(Time For Change, Burn Your Life Down, Beau Navire). The maturity shows in their new project, where they depart from their previous abrasive musical projects and seamlessly transition into playing utterly beautiful music. A breath of fresh air, even in the recent resurgence of shoegaze bands. Their music stands out, with glorious harmonies that recall the emo bands from the 90Ís (before that was a thing). The recording is wonderful; every element that WMBRE brings to the table is clear and honest. The fuzzed out guitar and heavy drumming of "Harmonix" brings an element dramatically underused in modern music, creating a nice contrast to the sullen vocals. The music descends into a beautiful crescendo of noise, but still with an underlying beat the listener can follow. "Cancer" plays out almost like a letter being read to a loved one, with the vocals dripping in sympathy and pain all over beautiful guitar tones and crashing cymbals. The climax is reached when the guitar and bass follow the boorish vocal patterns and the drums kick in full swing. The end swells with a bright sound that gives hope to the listener.

WMBRE may draw comparisons to that "Seattle sound" that became famous over the years. While they do give a nod to their predecessors, the maturity and innovation will certainly write a new chapter in the always burgeoning Seattle music scene.

Track Listing:
01. Forget Me, Love
02. Harmonix